
Medicine Management Services

Compliance Packing

Do you find it hard to remember if you've taken your medicines?
Are you worried about a member of your family who may be finding it hard to keep track of what to take and when?
Do you find it hard to open pill bottles or read their labels?
Do you have children who need to take medication to school sometimes?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then compliance packing may help. Your tablets and capsules are dispensed into a convenient, safe and reliable pack instead of bottles and boxes. The packs are labeled with the time and day to take each medicine, - no more guesswork!


Medicines Cabinet Check

Do you know what all those medicines in your cabinet are really for?

Come in and sit with our Pharmacist for an informal chat about your medicines. Find out what they do, why you're taking them, and how to get the most out of them. This includes prescription and non-prescription (over the counter) medicines or dietary supplements you buy from the supermarket such as paracetamol, cold medicines, vitamins, or natural remedies.Our pharmacist can answer all your questions, (or direct you to who can) and provide medicine and other health-related information.

Even small changes to how or when you take your medicines can show improvements. The Medicines Cabinet Check should only take around 10mins.


Medicines Reconciliation and Synchronisation

As health customers you may see a number of different health practitioners – your pharmacist, GP, podiatrist, dentist and they don't always have a complete picture of all the medications you may be taking. Our pharmacist can keep track of all these for you, whether prescribed or not, and be able to advise you accordingly. They can write you an up-to-date list of all your medicines including any non-prescription medicines, even if you bought them in the supermarket. With your consent they can work with your other health providers to ensure everyone has the correct information. Sometimes they can even arrange for your prescriptions to synchronise so you know when new prescriptions are due.


Message Repeat Service

Medicines are only funded by the government for a certain period of time, and people often forget they have repeats on their medication to pick up. Don't let those repeats expire any more with a Pharmacy Message Reminder Service – if you have a repeat prescription with us, we can send you a reminder that it's due to expire - talk to our pharmacist about setting up this service for you!


Medicines Returns

Medicines must be disposed of correctly – so they don't end up in our waterways or in the wrong hands. If you have unused or expired medicines, our pharmacy has systems in place to take care of them for you.

Unichem Grey Lynn

We are truly a family, friendly local pharmacy business. We aim to supply quality products and give our customers prompt professional service and good value for money. Building customer relationships is important to us and good caring service is our way. Our aim is not only to provide you with a convenient online shopping experience but to give you easy access to health information.